2021 - From the War Memorial



Led by Revd. Annie Goldthorp.


Kohima Epitaph:


“When you go home, Tell them of us and say,


“For your tomorrow, We gave our today.”




Service of Remembrance in Deddington Church



Deddington – Clifton - Hempton

In Memory of those who died for their country


The Boer War  
Charles SATCHELLSouth African Constabulary 22 August 1901 in Kimberley from pneumonia
Leonard VINCENT1st Battalion, Oxfordshire Light Infantry. He died of disease in 1901
The First World War  
Albert ADEYLance Corporal, 2nd Battalion, OBLI, 1 May 1918 age 38.
Joseph AUSTINPrivate, 50th Battalion, Alberta Regiment, Canadian Infantry, 10 April 1917 age 25.
Percival Bryan BANNARDCorporal, 1st/4th Battalion, OBLI, 7 August 1917 age 21.
Edwin BLISSPrivate, 1st Garrison Battalion, The South Staffordshire Regiment 23 November 1918 age 25
William Frederick BOLTONPrivate, 2nd Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), 4 December 1915 age 29.
Ronald Page BULLSecond Lieutenant, 4th Battalion, The Northamptonshire Regiment 30 October 1918 age 19.
Charles CALLOWPioneer, 2nd Signal Company, Royal Engineers, 16 September 1914 age 28.
Wallace James CARVILLPrivate, 139th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps. 3 March 1917 age 36.
Alfred John CASTLEPrivate, OBLI, transferred to The Labour Corps. 12 November 1918 age 33.
George William Henry CASTLERifleman, 4th Battalion, The King's Royal Rifle Corps, 25 May 1915 age 32.
John Hawtin CHECKLEYPrivate, 1st/4th Battalion, OBLI, 145 20 July 1916 age 21.
Arthur Joseph CHISLETTPrivate, 27th Battalion, Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment), 6 November 1917 age 27.
Norman CHISLETTRifleman, 18th (Arts and Crafts) Battalion, The King's Royal Rifle Corps, 31 July 1917 age 31.
Henry George S CHURCHILLPrivate, 2nd Battalion, Auckland Regiment, 1st New Zealand Infantry Brigade 7 June 1917.
Ernest Walter CURRYERGunner, Royal Horse Artillery and Royal Field Artillery 30 September 1918 age 29.
George Isaac DAVISGunner, 98 Anti-Aircraft Section, Royal Garrison Artillery. 24 December 1918 age 26.
Frederick DEANEPrivate, 1st Battalion, OBLI, 30 June 1916 age 24.
Stanley Hubert DEELEYPrivate, 3rd Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment. 27 May 1918 age 19.
O Arthur John H DOREPrivate, 53rd (Graduated) Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment. 6 October 1918 age 18
William James DUNNPrivate, 1st/1st Battalion, Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars, 1 April 1918 age 27
Alfred Christian ELLPrivate, 12th Battalion, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. 3 March 1917 age 37.
Charles George FLETCHERPrivate, 2nd Battalion, OBLI, 5 Brigade, 2nd Division. 26 October 1914 age 33.
Thomas FORDPrivate. Portsmouth Battalion Royal Naval Division 24 June 1915 age 21
Harold FREEMANPrivate, 9th Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), 7 October 1916 age 19.
William Loder FRENCHPrivate. 11th Battalion, Australian Infantry, AIF. 10 February 1916 age 25
Louis Henry GARDINERPrivate, 2nd/4th Battalion, OBLI, 2 December 1918 age 22.
William GARDINERLeading Seaman. Hood Battalion, Royal Naval Division 6 May 1915 age 29
Walter Albert GARDNERPrivate, 1st/1st Battalion, OBLI, 5 January 1916 age 24
Clarence Bert GILKESPrivate, 5th Battalion, OBLI, 42 Brigade, 14th Division. 16 October 1917 age 20.
James GODFREYLance Corporal, 5th Battalion, OBLI, 29 September 1915 age 27.
Archie Andrew GOMMPrivate, 6th Battalion, OBLI, 60 27 February 1917 age 25.
Harry GRACEPrivate, 1st Battalion, OBLI, 12 February 1916 age 27.
Harry Gerard GRIFFINPrivate, 2nd Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment, 11 April 1918 age 21.
Albert Edward HANCOXSapper, 101 Field Company, Royal Engineers. 24 July 1917 age 19.
Walter David HANCOXSapper, 154 Field Company, Royal Engineers. 1 July 1916 age 30
William Rufus HANCOXCorporal, 1st/4th Battalion, OBLI 14 August 1916 age 20.
Benjamin HAWKINSPrivate, 6th Battalion, The Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment),. 23 March 1918 age 19.
Ernest James HAWKINSPrivate, 202 Company, Machine Gun Corps (Infantry), 9 October 1917 age 22.
Fred HAWKINSPrivate, 700 MT Company, Royal Army Service Corps 18 January 1918 age 29.
John Frederick HAWKINSLance Corporal, 1st Battalion, OBLI, 22 November 1915 age 25.
James HICKSPrivate, 5th Battalion, The Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment), 9 April 1916 age 31
Joseph William HIORNSLance Corporal, 1st/4th Battalion, Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment), 11 October 1918 age 30.
Ernest Charles HITCHMANPrivate, 51st (Graduated) Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 23 October 1918 age 18
Archie William HUTTSergeant Major, 5th Battalion, OBLI, 21 March 1918 age 32.
Frederick Rowland HUTTPrivate, 5th Battalion, OBLI, 8 February 1916 age 25.
Frank JARRETT Sergeant. 2nd Canadian Pioneer Battalion, Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force. Died 5 March 1916 at Oxford. Pneumonia
George William JORDONLance Corporal, 5th Battalion, OBLI, 24 August 1916 age 19.
Thomas Alexander MANCHIPPrivate, 20th Battalion (The 3rd Public Schools), The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), 25 April 1917 age 35.
John Ernest MUNDYPrivate, 2nd Battalion, OBLI, 3 June 1917 age 22.
Percy PINFOLDPrivate, 2nd Battalion, Prince of Wales' Own (West Yorkshire Regiment,1 January 1917 age 24.
Isaac SMITHPrivate, 6th Battalion, OBLI, 7 October 1916, age 26.
Albert Edward SPENCERPrivate, 2nd Battalion, OBLI, 16 May 1915 age 32.
William Thomas STANLEYPrivate, Royal Army Ordnance Corps.He died of double pneumonia in Halifax on 14 January 1918 age 33
Albert STEVENSCorporal, 5th Battalion, OBLI, 31 March 1918 age 25
Edwin SYKESSergeant, 11th (Lonsdale) Battalion, The Border Regiment, 1 July 1916, age 36
George SYKESPrivate, A Company, 2nd Battalion, OBLI, 16 May 1915 age 22.
Hubert Charles SYKESRifleman, 2nd/9th County of London Battalion, The London Regiment, 3 October 1917 age 37
Norman William SYKESRifleman, 1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), 1 July 1916 age 20
Alec Charles TAYLORPrivate, 2nd Battalion, OBLI, 26 November 1914
Frederick Thomas TUSTAINPrivate, 3 Company, 1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards, 29 September 1916 age 30.
Matthew James TUSTAINLance Corporal, C Company, 1st/4th Battalion, OBLI, 145 Brigade, 48th Division. 23 July 1916 age 23.
William Henry V TUSTAINPrivate, 7th Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment, 28 April 1917 age 33
James Ethelbert TWISSELLPrivate, 82nd Battalion, Abegweit Light Infantry Regiment, Canadian Infantry. 1 June 1916 age 32
Frank WADDUPPrivate, 5th Battalion, OBLI, 3 May 1917 age 20
William Alfred WEAVERPrivate, 7th Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment, 37 Brigade, 12th Division. 17 January 1918 age 33.
Bernard WHEELERPrivate, Training School, Canadian Army Medical Corps. 18 November 1916 age 29
George Henry WHITEPrivate, 5th Battalion, OBLI, 3 May 1917 age 30.
William WILKINSPrivate, 2nd Battalion, OBLI, 21 October 1914 age 31.
Fred Cecil WOOLGROVECorporal, 7th Battalion, The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment), 9 December 1915 age 24
Alfred Edwin YERBURYPrivate, 2nd Battalion, The South Wales Borderers, 87 Brigade, 29th Division 27 April 1917 age 19.
The Second World War  
Robert Alec F CHURCHILL MiDLieutenant (pilot), 884 Squadron, Fleet Air Arm, HMS Victorious, 12 August 1942 age 21
William Charles COULTONPrivate, 1st Battalion, OBLI 8 September 1941. He was 27
Edward Bostock DUMBLETONStoker 1st Class, HMS Manchester, Royal Navy. He died on 24 March 1941 age 21
Francis Beesley GARRETTFlight Sergeant and Rear Gunner, 467 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Air Force 18 August 1943 age 26
John Richard Frederick GILKESPrivate, 1st Battalion, OBLI. 16 July 1944 age 19.
William Reginald GREENAWAYSergeant (Flight Engineer), 432 (RCAF) Squadron, Royal Air Force 27 January 1944 age 22
Ernest Sydney G HALLSapper, 576 Corps Field Park Company, Royal Engineers. 13 August 1943 age 27.
Ken Henry HARRIS DFMSergeant. 82 Squadron Royal Air Force 13 June 1940 age 23
John H LEWISPrivate, 2nd Battalion, The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment, 1 April 1944 age 25.
Lawrence Lee PYMANPilot Officer, 65 Squadron, Royal Air Force 16 August 1940 age 23.
Henry SORRELLDriver, 18th Divisional Signals, Royal Corps of Signals. 12 September 1944 age 33.
Ernest Arthur SYKESCorporal, Royal Army Service Corps. 24 June 1941 age 33.
Thomas (Tom) Willem VAN OSSMajor Royal Engineers. Age: 40
Richard Lovenden HALLPrivate, The Kings Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). 10 June 1950.



At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them